Patriot Labrador Retrievers guarantees, for the LIFETIME of the puppy, not to be affected by the following 17 common inheritable Labrador Retriever conditions:
Centronuclear Myopathy
Cone Degeneration / Day Blindness (Labrador Retriever Type)
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (Labrador Retriever Type)
Cystinuria (Labrador Retriever Type)
Degenerative Myelopathy
Exercise-Induced Collapse
Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis
Ichthyosis (Golden Retriever Type 1)
Macular Corneal Dystrophy (Labrador Retriever Type)
Narcolepsy (Labrador Retriever Type)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Cone-Rod Dystrophy 4
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Golden Retriever 2
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (Labrador Retriever Type)
Skeletal Dysplasia 2
Stargardt Disease
All pups will be either ‘clear’ or ‘carrier’. It is possible that some dogs can be a recessive carrier, but not express it. In which case the puppy will live a normal, healthy life.
If, within 30 months of puppy’s birth, the puppy is diagnosed by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) with moderate to severe hip dysplasia, or Grade II/III elbow dysplasia, the Breeder agrees to replace the puppy, at no cost to the Buyer, with a puppy of equal value.
Replacement will be made when a suitable replacement puppy becomes available. If no replacement puppy is available within a year, then, at the Breeders discretion, a full refund will be issued.
If your puppy becomes dysplastic and it is proven that environmental conditions such as running up & down stairs, forced running, excessive jumping up & down, being overweight, poor nutrition, improperly fit harness, front dew claw removal, or any activity/condition deemed inappropriate, the Hip/Elbow Guarantee is null & void.
It is recommended to keep your puppy lean during growth. Do not overfeed or free-feed as this encourages rapid growth.
Spaying / Neutering
Hormones are needed for your puppy to develop properly.
We recommend waiting a minimum of:
Female: After 14 months AND have gone through at least one heat cycle.
Male: After 18 months.
Early Spay/Neuter will void the Hip/Elbow Guarantee.
The above are minimum waiting times for PLRs guarantee. For Labrador Retrievers, it is best to wait until after 24 months of age to spay/neuter.
Puppy is guaranteed to be in good health to the best of the Breeder’s knowledge. If he/she wishes, the Buyer has 72 hours, from the time of ownership in which to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian.
1. If the puppy is deemed ‘unfit for sale’, your veterinarian must provide us with a signed statement detailing any concerns.
- “unfit for sale” means any disease, deformity, injury, physical condition or defect which is congenital or hereditary and severely affects the abilities of the animal; and manifested and was capable of diagnosis on or before the puppy being accepted by the Buyer.
2. If your veterinarian deems your puppy “unfit for sale” you may choose one of the following:
- Return the puppy the day following examination, for full reimbursement, not including veterinary or shipping fees.
- Retain the dog and receive 50% reimbursement, not including veterinary fees.
This guarantee does not include: 1) The puppy having diarrhea as this is common due to stress of transitioning to a new home. 2) The presence of external/internal parasites, fleas/ticks, ear mites, bacterial colds, coccidia, and giardia; which are common things for puppies to pick up and are easily treated. 3) Umbilical hernias, cryptorchidism, recessed vulva, entropion, or entropion as often times puppies outgrow it or it is a treatable condition. 4) Any health problem resulting from an injury or accident due to Buyer’s negligence.
This guarantee DOES NOT cover parvovirus. The Breeder guarantees puppy has been vaccinated at least one time for parvovirus prior to being sold. The Breeder also guarantees the puppy has not been exposed to at risk people, animals, or areas.
1. Limited (no breeding rights) PREPAID Basic AKC registration.
2. AKC Reunite Microchip with LIFETIME enrollment.
3. 30-month Hip/Elbow guarantee.
4. LIFETIME inheritable disease guarantee.
5. Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) & Early Scent Introduction (ESI) training completed daily from 3-16 days of age.
6. Worming and age-appropriate vaccinations.
7. Fecal test, to include giardia, to check for internal parasites.
8. Puppy health/wellness exam by licensed veterinarian in my home.
9. Individual Health Records.
10. Puppies purchased out of state will be issued a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI).
11. Packet with information on new puppy ownership, care, and training tools.
12. Two Puppy Culture Books:
o Puppy Fitness That Fits the Puppy
o Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog? Understanding the Secret Life of Sex Hormones.
13. 24-hour LIFETIME breeder support.
14. 1-month free insurance.
15. Puppies will be litter box trained, started on basic manners, crate training, & sit command. A sealed container of soiled litter will be provided to kick start potty training.
16. 4-pound bag of food your puppy is currently eating.
17. Leash, collar, 3-4 toys, treats, snuggle puppy & blanket that smells like mom &/or litter.
If it is brought to our attention, at any time throughout the puppy’s life, that he/she is being abused, neglected, or not properly taken care of, the authorities will be called. If Buyer is found at fault, Breeder will take permanent possession of the puppy. Any expenses incurred after the puppy is confiscated due to neglect or mistreatment will be the responsibility of the Buyer.
If authorities seize the puppy for neglect or abandonment, the Breeder reserves the right to recover the dog without compensation to the Buyer.
The puppy will not be transferred to another party without our prior knowledge or consent.
If, for any reason during your life you can no longer keep or care for your dog; you MUST notify and allow us right of first refusal.
If the dog is returned, there is no refund.
We will ensure appropriate placement of said pup.
There is no charge for this service; however, Buyer will be required to sign over registration, and provide all medical records.
If dog is transferred to another owner, guarantees are null and void.
You will NOT relinquish the dog to any type of shelter, rescue, or humane society.
Likewise, you may not relinquish or sell to any type of medical research establishment.
Patriot Labrador Retrievers takes the lifelong health of our puppies seriously. We will never breed dogs that are not genetically sound. Our breeding dogs are extensively tested for genetic diseases & are certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). A simple test to have peace of mind that our pups will not be ‘affected’ by known Labrador Retriever inheritable diseases.
Sires & Dams are carefully selected & paired in order to produce healthy puppies!